August 21, 2020 at Rolling Ridge Park
Meet at 2:00 PM Eat at 4:00 PM
Catered meal Cost $10.00 per person
Payable to Lois Cass Parkhurst
Paper plates, silverware, Napkins, cups, COFFEE will be provided
You may bring any other beverage you prefer
Bring your own chairs if you prefer
Reservations and money must be received by August 7, 2020
So that food may be ordered.
If I am not there (Dave Henry) Please start with out me.
AUGUST 21, 2020 at Rolling Ridge Park
Meet at 2:00 PM Eat at 4:00 PM
Catered meal Cost $10.00 per person
Payable to Lois Cass Parkhurst
Paper plates, silverware, napkins, cups COFFEE Will be provided
You may bing any other beverage you prefer
Bring your own chairs if you prefer
Reservations and money must be received by August 7, 2020
So that food may be ordered.
If I am not there (Dave Henry) please start without me.